I obviously plan on doing a scrapbook for Ms. Riley but I'm not planning on doing it now. I need to keep a running post of Riley's life, so when I decide to actually do her book I'll remember everything.
Visit #1:
September 6, 2011
Roman Noodle and I drove all the way down to Ocala to just meet Ms. Riley. Roman and Riley played well together and I made the executive decision (since the hubby couldn't come down that day) that she would fit into our home.

Visit #2:
September 15, 2011
Phillip, Roman and I drove down to Ocala to pick up Riley. She was supposed to be spayed on Sept 14 and then we were picking her up on the 15, well we get down there and it turns out that they took the wrong "Ginger" to be spayed on Sept 14. Needless to say, we were super bummed. They wouldn't let us take her home. They told her us that she would be spayed on Sept 16 and they would drive her up to meet us on Sept 16. We decided since we drove all the way down there we would at least have a play date with this sweet girl. Here are some pics from that visit:

Gotcha Day
September 17, 2011
I know this is a shocker, but they took her into the OR too late on Friday that we couldn't pick her up until Saturday. (Whatev at this point--not really, I was pissed but I couldn't do anything about it.) Anyways, it is now Saturday morning, we pulled out of our driveway at 7:30 to drive back down to Ocala, yet again, this time to pick our girl up and FINALLY bring her home. Here are some pictures from our Gotcha Day.
Here is our sweet girl saying goodbye to the shelter. Dueces!

So stinking cute!

She finally settled down on our way home and just laid down and relaxed.

First walk with her Papa.

September 19, 2011
We had our first vet visit today. She did really well and everyone there loved her, but more importantly than her first vet visit--she stuck her head out the car window for the first time. ;) This may seem very silly but on our drive home from the shelter she was too scared of the wind to ride like a normal dog (head out the window) so I was pretty stoked when she finally did it.

Anyways, that is the run down on what has been going on with this little girl. She is absolutely adorable--she is fooling us into thinking she is potty trained already (?), we have been working on some commands with her such as sit, down and paw, she's just pretty much a badass like that. I <3 it. Roman is pretty grumpy, he is not feeling this puppy thing, I am hoping her is going to get over it sooner rather than later because it makes me sad that he is sad. :( The cats also are not feeling this whole puppy thing, the could do without her. Two of the cats are acting fine, Gibby and Moses. Gibby whaps her when needed and Moses does the same. I don't usually sit too far from the H2O spray bottle just incase I need it. Ok, well that's all I've got for you. I'll leave you with a picture to show you how much Riley is NOT spoiled, lol.