Hello everyone. My goal is to be good updating this thing. I figure since everyone is graduating and moving to different ends of the states this would be the best way for everyone to stay in touch and know what is going on.
I think I am going to be the sole remaining person in Gainesville, everyone is moving on to bigger and better things...I am moving, just slower than everyone else. I like it here, most of the time. I bought a house here, and will (fingers crossed) hopefully get into Santa Fe's nursing school for the fall. I have no idea what I will do if I don't get in.
Work has been pretty good. I had a week off last week and it was amazing. I love the boys and the Collins but I am tired of this job, I have been doing the nanny thing for a year and a half and am just ready to move on. I will definitely keep working for them on the side once I am in nursing school. You know, football games, weekend dinners, etc. The extra money is going to be needed. Poor college student here I come...woo-hoo?
Phillip landed a job working for the Ritz Carton Club in Orlando, which is great for him. Being 2 hours away isn't bad most of the time, but I do think it is going to get harder...we'll see. Hopefully not. We are planning on going apartment hunting for a place in Orlando for him this coming weekend. It will be nice for him to finally move out of Jessica's house (especially since she moved in with her boyfriend). Phillip and I aren't going to be spending the next two weekends together, his parents are in town and are making him do stuff around the house to get it ready to sell this summer. I think they are going to have a terrible time selling it, I mean the market is terrible, and there have been homes for sale on the same street (in a cookie cutter neighborhood) at least since Christmas. I hope for Phillip's parents sake they are able to sell it because Jessica and Doug plan on buying and moving this summer regardless.
So Keri is in Mexico right now, teaching and finishing up her final semester as an undergraduate student. She will be there for 4 weeks, come back to Pennsylvania, graduate 3 days later, and then 4 days after that hit the road for sunny South Florida. She is planning on stopping and visiting me and the furkids the third weekend in May, which I am super stoaked about. She hasn't seen the house yet, and I haven't seen Alex in over a year and a half. Her graduation party is May 31 and that should be fun. I plan on heading down south for 5 days or so. )I think I am planning on sleeping at her house for most if not all of it, because I have no bed in my parent's house. :( They moved my whole bedroom set up here...hm...) Anyways, Keri is planning on moving to South Carolina to teach and start her life as an adult. I completely support that decision because we will only be 5 hours away as opposed to 15 or something stupid like that.
Who knows where I'll end up, but I have like 8 years or something unheard of left here...
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