Who loves a fabulous day?!? I do!
So lunch today went better than expected. I couldn't have asked for anything better. Our parents got along great, there were very few breaks in the conversation, I grabbed the waiter after lunch on the way to the bathroom and asked him to split the checks three and three so there wasn't any of that awkwardness, it was awesome. I was worried that they just wouldn't have anything to really talk about, they're just different. Not that different is bad, but you know!
We shared photos of Sherry and Wilson's house, shared an appetizer, had lunch, and just enjoyed chit chatting. Lunch lasted for about an hour and a half and I even got a picture of the six of us. (I wanted to make sure I got it because I can't be promised that we will all ever be together again.) At the end they were talking about how Sherry and Wilson are renting a house down in the keys and my Mom even extended an invite for them to stop on their way down for lunch or a snack or whatever. :)
I know it was stupid for me to be nervous, but I was. I was nervous to the point of having a belly ache this morning. When I get stressed I get a belly ache like clock work!
Anyways, we all went our separate ways and PP and I went back to his place to relax before the wedding. We basically just vegged out, I putzed on blogger and facebook, played some typer shark (I randomly found it online and that is the game we played in my typing class in HS), then got ready to go. We weren't at the wedding long. Wilson was ready to leave about 2100, which was fine with us. We took off, picked up a cupcake for me (what? we didn't get to stay for wedding cake!) and some chicken for PP and then came home.
I call today, a fabulous day. Oh, and I'm reading My Sister's Keeper and was able to read about 150 pages this morning and the book is really good. I wasn't sure I was going to like how it jumped from character to character (they go through at least 6 characters telling the story in first person), but I am able to stay focused and love it! So here are a few pictures from today. :)
18 stunning wedding chapels across the US
2 weeks ago
You were so smart to think of that with the check! I would have felt all awkward with the check deal, and it would've bothered me.
Great pictures!
Oh you guys look so cute. Great picture. I'm glad everything went well. I also get a belly ache whenever I'm nervous. Not fun!
Nothing like a fabulous day to make life so much better!
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