Oh school...I forgot how tedious and challenging you are! So far this week we have studied Emergency Effectiveness (Codes), Intro to ICU, Safety in Meds, Cardiovascular Disease and then the big daunting lecture, Dysrhythmias! We had a four and a half hour on dysrhythmias, do you have no idea how freaking hard that is?!? It's like woah overwhelming, now I just have to figure out how to study all these dysrhythmias. Oh, and mind you that was just the first three days, today we had a meds math lab, a meds lab, a central line lab and an insulin lab--tomorrow we learn to start IVs. Ack!
Oh yeah, and in my spare time I also am taking a statistics class. :) I already have done the first three chapters and took the first quiz, I am waiting to get my grade back for that. I don't think he is going to grade them until Sunday since that is the final day to turn them in. Hopefully I got an A!
Tomorrow after my venipuncture lab we are heading to Orlando--I have to swing back to the house and pick up the dogs, then Super has an appointment to get her nails done, then I have to take the dogs to a bakery in Haile and they will each get a couple of gourmet cookies. Lucky babies, after they get cookies we are getting on the highway, I will then drop the kids off at Phillip's and head to the botanical garden. I want to try to do photography a bit more often, I miss it, it is my stress release. After a brief round of photos Phillip will come home and we are heading to dinner and the outlet mall--Phillip still has nothing to wear for pictures on Saturday, great...just great! :)
I will try to post pictures from the gardens tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a fantastic week!
18 stunning wedding chapels across the US
2 weeks ago
I have no clue what half those classes are but good luck in them! : )
Holy cow lady you sound just as busy as I am. I'll be doing all of those topics next semester in Adult Health & Leadership Management. In LM they even get a student to act as charge nurse and assign everyone else in the group their patientS. Yea, saying I'm not nervous would be a lie. We learned how to start IVs last summer '08 but I still havent done one on a live arm. We had mannequin arms with iv bags hooked up to some tubing running red koolaid that was "blood" so it'd flash in our cathetar when we hit the "vein." Anyway, I started clinicals this week in geriatrics but it's almost like a Psych round again because we don't do skills we just do many assessments, talk, do a teaching project with a powerpoint to all of the residents, BP clinics, and a big ginormous case study on our assigned pt the entire semester. In community health, my other class with clinicals we do BP clinics & teaching projects at a low income gov't housing tower, we go to pre-k and do teaching etc, we do school screenings at a public school & flu shots, and I go to Hospice, STD clinic, a developemental delayed medical daycare, Rehab, Public School in my hometown to teach tobacco & drinking & driving awareness, we do red cross disaster training & training through fema, etc etc etc plus theres lecture with tests, quizzes, papers, and presentations. Yea, I may need a Psych consult after this semester! Anyway have fun with your pics & I hope PP gets a cute outfit to wear for the engagement pics...can't believe those are already here!
Dang girl! You're busier than me! Well, that's expected... but that's nuts. I would go crazy in a 4 hour lecture. I had a three hour one yesterday and I was itching to move and get out.
You obviously DON'T work, do you? I start that back up tomorrow and I honestly wish I could quit and take the semester off from work. But I can't. Ugh. Your puppies are majorly spoiled by the way :)
Lady, you are oh so busy!!
I hope you did great on your quizzes!
You are such a sweet momma to your fur babies ;)
P.S. I love that we have both been dating our fiances for the exact same amount of time....how crazy!!
I hope price P finds something to wear! I can't wait to see pics! B and I won't get that opportunity so I'll enjoy seeing yours :)
Looking forward to seeing pics from the gardens!
Haha, extra long comment. Love ya girly!!
Wow, that is a grueling amount of learning!
Glad you are doing so photography to manage yourself! Good for you!
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