Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Furniture Revamp

I have really gotten into decorating and furniture redos. I am loving playing with all this stuff--don't get me wrong, it is really time consuming but I love looking at the after pieces, I feel a sense of accomplishment.

I had this little TV stand taking up room in my garage and I decided to give my furkids a little place to snuggle up. All it took was a little sanding, some paint and painters tape--that's all. I like it!


Annie said...

aw!! it turned out so cute! i love it!! :)

a life of color said...

Thanks so stopping by my blog the other day and leaving your well wishes!!

I love furniture redo's!! I have always wanted to try one of my own but am a little intimidated!! Love what you made for you pooches :)

~M~ said...

You did such a good job!

sprinkles said...

It looks great! I always like to try projects like that but then get discouraged when it doesn't turn out exactly the way I want it to.

LWLH said...

Very cute, cute idea! :)