Since I am mildly obsessed with taking pictures, this past MD appointment was just getting this little baby ready for his/her close up when they finally get here!
To be completely honest, before I was preggo people would always show me their ultrasound pictures and I thought oh that's great--I mean they never actually look like a baby early on and truthfully, my ultrasound is no different. Don't get me wrong, it was amazing to see the little baby's heart flicker on the video monitor but my MD printed us three pics or so and they are hanging on the fridge but it just looks like a little blob to me.
I know there are so many women out there that struggle with infertility and my heart truly goes out to them, but without getting any rude comments I am going to be a little honest for a bit (I mean it is my blog after all). I am scared shitless, I mean my/our life is going to completely change. Phillip and I had such a comfy little life where we get to do what we want when we want and that is going to change in 7 and a half month or so. We both go to the dog park every Saturday and Sunday morning with the dogs but on our way home yesterday morning it dawned on me that after the baby is here that isn't something we'll be able to do. Phillip said that one of us will go to the park and the other will stay home with the baby. **sigh** That is usually time we get to spend together. Another thing is Gator baseball, we had season tickets last year and will probably renew them again this year but for the 2013 season...we probably wont be able to get tickets because most of the games will start at the baby's bedtime. Another sigh.
I am well aware that people who cannot have children, probably want to shoot me for saying this but I just wanted to be honest. Don't get me wrong, I think having this baby will be absolutely incredible, but it will just be a change and for that will be an adjustment.
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2 weeks ago
I totally understand, being only a couple weeks away from delivery I can't stop thinking about how life will be changing so dramatically and we can't just come and go as we please after he gets here but from what I hear life is so much better afterwards so I'm looking forward to that.
I can only imagine what you're going through, it's definitely scary but you will adjust and find new ways to do what you love. My best friend become a mom exactly 1 year ago and she said at first it was so hard, but she is so in love with her daughter that it made the new life style change much easier.
it will be a huge change for you both but as you said it will be incredible! enjoy the time before the babe comes and I'm sure if the baby is like you she/he will love going to the dog park too :) i would totally be your #1 baby sitter if we lived closer!
It will be completely life changing but I can promise you it is for the better! Go get yourself a mobi wrap or sling of some sort, put your baby in it, and take those trips to the dog park every weekend. Once he/she gets older I am sure he will love going along and watching all of the doggies run around.
Things will definitely be different but it will all come together!
It'll definitely be an adjustment but it'll all be worth it in the end. You'll see!
Maybe once the baby is few months old and you've settled into more of a routine, you can take the baby and the dogs to the park together. That way you and the hubs can still spend time together.
But who am I to give advice? I don't have kids.
It IS life changing! Trust me though...experiencing new things like first soccer games, holiday programs, and the holidays with kids is incredible. Enjoy naps now! ha
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