I am headed to Hotlanta tomorrow morning. I am going to visit my best friend is as you all will remember is a brand new Mrs. She and her hubby have been married for about 6 weeks now, they are adorable together! I love them both and I am so excited about heading up there with the Nood. He loves his Aunt Keri also so he's pretty stoked.
Other than that there really isn't much going on in my world. I did all my new hire paper work for the hospital this week, got my health physical, got my PPD test, got my fit test...oh and my hospital decal. :) The stupid nurse that did my physical stuck me not once but twice for my PPD the first time she stuck me she looked away the need slipped out so she just jammed it back in there, but it gets better. Then I needed blood work done and I have fantastic veins, I told her they usually stick me in my AC (inner elbow) she proceeded not to listen and to put the turnicate on way too lose then stuck me in my hand, got no flash back then wiggled it around in there. Next she took it out and used the same needle and jammed it into another vein my hand, once again, no flash back she then wiggled it around in there. Mind you this hurt like a bitch. Oh but it gets back better...she then proceeded to do the same thing on my other arm on my forearm didn't get anything and did the same jab wiggle restick thing over again. Are you freaking kidding me?!?! I would have done better just drawing my own blood, I kid you not. Needless to say, after 2 PPD sticks and 4 blood sticks I walked my happy ass over to the lab to have my blood drawn by someone competent.
Note to all my fellow nurses out there, let's listen to our patients--they know their body better then we do.
I also wanted to thank everyone who cross posted my link from my previous post. We now have 35 members in this group! Yay for animal rescue.
Anyways, I will be sure to take a bunch of people over the next few days when I am with Ker. Hopefully I will get on here sometime during the next few days, but I don't know, we'll just have to wait and see.
I hope you guys all have a wonderful July 4th holiday...be safe!
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