I really don't have much going on, hence why I haven't been posting too much. I don't want to just talk about nothing, but that is exactly what I am going to do right now. I am sitting in my wonderfully comfortable bed, listening to Blake Sheldon preform on The Voice, snuggled up with the kitties and Roman with the sky's turning a very ominous gray outside--I <3 days like this, they are my favorite!
On the job front, work has been incredible. All the kiddos I take care of are adorable and I love work. My preceptor is named Kelly and she is so sweet. I get a major bonus with her because she is studying for the CPON (which stands for Certified Pediatric Oncology Nurse) exam so she knows everything--all the little side effects of all medications and such. It is great. I hung some chemo last week and it was great, I felt comfortable doing it. I wish I had more information memorized but I'll get there, I know I will. I am still picking up one shift a week at North Florida to pay for our Costa Rica trip and it is nice keeping up with all the peeps there and it is also nice keeping my adult skills up.
The hubs and I have been pretty low key, nothing too exciting going on around here. He has been coaching 6 year old baseball with our friend Bill, it is for Cooper's team--unfortunately the weather in Florida in the summer isn't really conducive to outdoor sports so things keep getting rained out (my guess is today's game will be as well). I just love seeing him out there with all the kids, it reminds me of what an incredible Dad he is going to be (our future Jelly Bean will be so lucky!). He has been a working out machine and has lost 30 lbs since our wedding. I am so proud of him, he is so dedicated to this getting healthy, healthy and healthier!
That's really all I've got going on over here. Nothing going on for baby news (we are stuck using the dreaded condoms until Nov/Dec, boo hiss!). I'll definitely keep you all up on that and thanks for all your sweet comments about my previous posts. :)