Saturday, August 25, 2012

365 Project

I've started the 365 project.

I bought a new camera this week so now I am going to use it to the best of my ability. I've had it for 4 days and have 4 pics from the 365 project to show you all. Enjoy!





All is well in our house, we are just super busy as usual! Little man is growing like a weed. We've packed up all his newborn and 0-3 month clothing and he is in size 2 diapers! We just adore him and love seeing him change from day to day. Hope everything is good with you all. :)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Too fast!

They grow too fast...way too fast. Tomorrow I go back to work, my 6 weeks home with my sweet bug are over and I am so sad about it. I hate the idea of having to leave him home with his Papa all night, I hate the idea that I have to come home and take care of him after working all night--I don't feel like I'll be as good of as Mom as he deserves (I hope I'm wrong on that one).

Being home with him has been amazing. I never thought I could love someone this much, when he hurts I physically hurt--he's my heart. We finished up my maternity leave with a bang, we brought the little bug to the beach for the first time, I loved bringing him there. I love that he is a second generation Floridian. :)

Here are his weekly pics from the last 6 weeks: