The lovely Becca over at
Made with Love awarded these three lovely awards my way.
The first award is called the Beautiful Blogger Award. The rules to this one is to list seven things about yourself.
1. I always wanted to move up north, well that was until the cold snap we had this winter. It was terrible. We had highs in the twenties--that was ridiculous! I would be fine with these cold temperatures if I could stay in my snuggie, curled up with the Nood and a good book. However, in the real world we are supposed to go to work, go to the grocery store, take the dogs on walks, etc. Productivity + cold weather = fail for me. I'll keep Florida.
2. I don't have a lot of clothing that fit. I've lost about twenty pounds since I started nursing school so nothing fits. I even bought new jeans about 10lbs ago--they are big on me now. I don't really know what to do. I hate that I look so figureless when I go out, but at the same time, I am about 8lbs from my goal wedding weight (120) so if I buy new jeans...again (mind you at $60ish each) then they wont fit by the time next winter rolls around--dilemmas!
3. I have a Pandora bracelet that I love. Currently all the charms on it except for the first charm I have given myself. Shelley, Bill and the boys got me my Pandora bracelet for our first Christmas together in 2006 since then I've added 5 charms. The initial one from the boys is a hanging breast cancer ribbon, then added a silver bead with light blue gemstones (my Grandfather's birthstone) from after he passed away, after that I added a little house from when I bought my first home in Feb 2008, then I have a blue murano bead from when I was accepted into nursing school (we wear blue scrubs), after that, I added a little sea shell with a starfish on it from when Phillip and I got engaged--lastly, my most recent one is a cute little Panda Bear. I got the Panda after Phillip's Dad passed away--his favorite place to travel to was Asia, so I thought that the Panda was a perfect tribute to him. :)
4. I have a love/hate relationship with school. I absolutely love learning new things and I desperately miss school when I am not in it--however, in the middle of the semester (when I feel like I am drowning) I hate it! The end!
5. My favorite color is green. I have always loved green but since my mom got breast cancer, pink kind of became my honorary color. I am cool with it because I really like pink and have never been super girly, but this gives me a chance to embrace it. Pink is in. :)
6. I love children, I couldn't imagine working in any other setting. I originally went to college for deaf education and now obviously nursing, I just don't think my days would be as joyful if I didn't work with the little ones day in and day out.
7. I love sweets, yum!! I eat sweets daily and that is almost the only thing I crave. I love cupcakes, brownies, Skittles, Swedish Fish, did I mention cupcakes?!? I wish that they were lower in calories so I could eat more of them! Phillip, lovingly, calls me his "fat kid." I am able to take it with a grain of salt, because it is lovingly. The first time he called me that in front of his family both his oldest sister and his mom gasped! They couldn't believe he would be so rude, lol!
I am passing this award onto:
Shanna at
Shanna's Secrets
Annie at
Chapters of Our LifeAshley at
Let Go, LaughingJenna at
Jenna's JourneyDon't forget to sign up for my giveaway. I am still trying to get it up to twenty entries before I do a drawing. Remember, if you blog about it on your blog you get an extra entry (just remember to post a comment saying you did such). Here is the link if you need it: