This is such a fun post, I think by jotting down what we love makes us more grateful for what we've got. We all need a little reminder.
{ONE}I'm loving my hubby--as always. We spent last weekend in Cocoa Beach visiting my parents. On Sunday morning my parents headed to the gym and the hubby and I enjoyed a walk on the beach then a swim in the pool. I love spending time with him, he's my bestie.
Here is a picture of us on Cocoa Beach on Sunday.
{TWO}I've had a a whole week off work--it has been heaven. I have slept in, enjoyed snuggling with my furkids, rearranged and spring cleaned my living room, went to a baseball game and just hung out. I need to go back to work, do I really?
{THREE}My Mama's birthday was Monday, I just adore my mom, happy birthday to her. I had such a good time finding her a birthday present. I mean it is hard to shop for a woman who has everything, so what did I do? I made a birthday basket. I started with a cute little wicker basket with a paw print on it (she can use it to hold the puppie's toys when she gets home), added a wonderfully soft throw blanket, a new tea cup, spiced chai tea from the spa I go to, as well as a new book and 3 little bookmarks--she was quite happy with her little surprise. :)
{FOUR}Wild horses. Last week, the hubby and I went out for a hike on Paynes Prairie. Of course going hiking I definitely want to see some wild animals, well it got even better when we were within arm length of a wild horse mama and her baby. I was in HEAVEN! (The baby even decided he'd smile for me and my camera.)
{FIVE}Lastly, I can't argue with this weather, neither could super. She enjoyed her head out the window the whole way from breakfast to PetSmart. Today the high is 80*, looks like I'll be heading out for a run. :)
I hope everyone has a wonderful hump day.