It's that time again. I love linking up with little Ms. Laura over at Between the Lines. Join up.
{Thrift stores, I have been having so much fun there lately. I went to day and a couple of days ago to add to my summer wardrobe. I have purchased 7 dresses, 2 skirts and a few shirts. I am going to put up a whole post on all my goods but I'll leave you wanting more with this. :)}

{Florida Gator baseball, this is our last regular season series. Tomorrow is the last game, I'm excited about it. I didn't go this evening--I was too sleepy, lame I know, but it's the truth.}
{Books, I know I post this one often--but I love my books. I picked up a new one yesterday at Barnes and Nobel. I have been carrying a clip out from a magazine that reviewed this book for the last few months. I will definitely post a review up when I finish it.}

{Scrapbooking, I am an on again, off again scrapbooker. I love it though! I printed 93 pictures at the local CVS today and I am bringing a bunch of my supplies home (I'll fill you all in on those plans later) next week and plan to use them during my down time. If I get all the 93 pictures scrapbooked, I will have all of 2010 scrapbooked as well as 2011 up to this point.}
{My wonderful furbabies as always. I took poor little Kiwi to the vet a week ago because she was scabby and itchy, well she gets car sick and starts foaming at the mouth before she generally pukes everywhere (which she did). Here is a pic of my poor foaming kitty at both in the car (I was hoping if she could see out the window then she wouldn't puke--WRONG) and at the vet's office, lol.}

{Lastly as always to close my fab Friday post is my lovely hubby. This poor man will be on his own for 10 days while I am home with my family. Today I got the cooking done (Thank God). I made 2.5 lbs of chili, 6 chicken enchiladas and meat for 4 chipotle turkey burgers. That should keep him comfortable for a while. Here is a pic I had to pick out for the cover of our wedding album, I love that each time I look through all the images I find a new one to love--our photographer was phenomenal!}

Have fun on your trip! Looking forward to hearing some of your recipes when you get back! Good luck on the meal planning also!
How WEIRD! Did you find me through Fabulous Fridays? Because I happen to live in Gainesville, and that keyboard you commented on?? CAME FROM THE GOODWILL ON THURSDAY.
Just saying.
Your kitty carrying case is adorable!
I love to go thrift shopping once in awhile too! I remember once going into one looking for new books. They're book collection was really crappy but they had TONS of clothes and I ended up with 2 pretty summer dresses for like $6 total or something.
I don't think I've heard of that book before.
Poor kitty! I had a cat who was a regular visitor at the vet's office (lots of health issues) but fortunately, the drive there and back never seemed to bother him.
Hope you have a wonderful time visiting with your family.
On Monday, I'll be posting about the Doggone Dog Swap. Hope you can participate again this year!
I love going to the Goodwill and finding little treasures. I usually end up getting home decor stuff.
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