Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tail Wagging Tuesdays!

Yay, C Mae is back doing Tail Wagging Tuesdays and I'm pretty stoked about it. I love an excuse to brag about my fur babies.

This week is an easy one, it is just pics of our furbaby. It is too hard for me to post about everyone in these posts so this week I am just going to do Mr. Roman Noodle--he is such a sweet boy.

Join in on the fun and link up!


Anonymous said...

oh goodness that face is too precious!! so sweet!

Liz Taylor said...

so so so so so so cute

Rebecca said...

Awww he is so tiny! I love all his little clothes! So sweet :)

LWLH said...

He's so tiny! :) I love it!

Gabriella said...

Love all the little outfits! :)

Anonymous said...

so darn cute! How old?

sprinkles said...

He looks a lot like my little Chico!

Jillian said...

so stinkin cute!!!!!!!

Becca said...

His little face is just too precious!