Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thousand Word Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

I really am in a better mood today, well, I'm at least trying. I thought searching through my billions of pictures would bring a smile to my face, and it did. :)

Here is my Roman Noodle, growing up! (Some of the quality is crappy, but they are still super cute!)


Andrea Frederick said...

Looks like a very lucky dog!

Faith said...

Aww! I love his bad dog costume, too cute!

Bree Shaw said...

love the one where he is in the greeeeeen grass! super cute dog! said...

Hey, just wanted to let you know that I linked you up on my sidebar in a fun way. ")

Have a great weekend and enjoy that adorable pup!

Becca said...

Awe he is so cute! I love the one of him in his little bad dog costume!