Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Please pray...

I just got a call from Shelley (the mom of the boys I nannyed for) to tell me that her niece, Madison (who I also babysit for), was just diagnosed with a Wilms' tumor. This is a metastatic form of cancer that usually effects children around age 3. This is a kidney tumor, it was found via a lump on her mid back by her ribs. From the CT done the tumor looks 6 cm big; however, Shelley thinks it looks a bit bigger to her (Shelley is a pediatric hospitalist and Bill (the boys' Dad) is a pediatric ENT).

They have her scheduled for the first surgery of the day tomorrow morning 0800. They will be moving her entire right kidney tomorrow and then sending the tumor down to pathology. From the looks of the CT scan the tumor looks to still be in stage 1 because no metastisis can be seen; however, we will know more tomorrow following the pathology report.

Anyways, all I ask is if you pray, to please pray. Pray for Madison, her parents and her baby brother. Madison just turned 2 March 28, so she is just a baby.


Annie said...

I have little Madison and her family in my prayers! Keep us posted on her status.

p.s. I just have to add that I love your puppy's name! How did you come up with it?

Anonymous said...


Annie said...

Gus is a pomeranian (pom) and he totally got his name from chunky little Gus Gus in Cinderella!! When he was a a tiny puppy, he was a big puff ball and he remided me of Gus Gus ;)

High-Heeled Foot in the door said...

Oh no I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm keeping little Madison in my thoughts and prayers.

Through The Roses

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