Wednesday, May 27, 2009

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

I know I posted this picture with the 50 other I posted yesterday, but I wanted to give it the attention it deserves! I love this picture, I love the Nood. He gets this sense of entitlement when he visits someone's house to stay, he decides that since he gets to stay there, he has to protect it. He let all the other dogs and people walking too close to the house that they are too close...woof!


Anonymous said...

Cute pic...and for this summer...I just got back from a week long vaca at the beach Friday & I'm babysitting all summer for money! That's it in a nutshell haha.

Becca said...

Way too cute! I love that little vest! said...

great pictures over the last few days. Beautiful country and home.

That little doggy brightens my day ")

Thanks for your kind words my bloggy friend.


Through The Roses

Designed By:

Munchkin Land Designs
Elements by Studio Q