Monday, May 4, 2009

Not Me Monday's back!

I did not just get a call from Shelley to let me know that Robbie is in a much for swimming this week. I did not get up today a bit after 1000 after going to bed last night at 2300. I did not wake up numerous times last night to check my cell phone to see if PP text messaged or emailed me. I did not come home yesterday afternoon to my lovely kitty cats and climbed into bed to watch DVRed recorded shows as well as read while snuggling my ginormous kitties!

I did not realize last night that I have packed nothing and done nothing to get ready to go to the boys. I did not realize just now that I did not wash Roman Noodles blankets or his bed...whatever. I did not just decide that blogger needs to go away and I need to pack.

Until later everyone!

1 comment: said...

Oh, you did NOT go to bed too late either! Naughty ")

It's great to see your not me's again ")

Through The Roses

Designed By:

Munchkin Land Designs
Elements by Studio Q